Basic Environmental responsibility
They have a board which is specifically designed to create awareness of, 'Hand Hygiene'. However, there is no sanitisers or anti-bac to wash your hands.
When it was highlighted that there was no place to wash hands and, be in line with their infection control boards. It was suggested to use another bathroom.
The response was, You should not have to take a piss in one toilet and, then have to open the door, by touching the handle. Then, go about finding another bathroom, were you will have to touch that handle; so that your able to wash your hands?
One of the male nurses/ support workers took a swig from their mug.
A support worker, then came with the soap and fresh tissue to put in the bathroom. They then came out and, highlighted that there was no dispensers. As a result, they weren't able to install the items. The support worker advice was, "it would be best to use another bathroom as there was nothing they could do".
The response was, how is this my problem? Why are you telling me this?
The question I leave with is;
Should someone in Thier care be addressing these issues?
Should this have been in their basic training?
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