Anxiety the symptom
Should Architects have a basic understanding of mental health and some of the causes? Would that knowledge enable them to design with the cure in mind? Help to design environments which are fit for purpose?
Would you agree that mental health has come along way and it's not just one size fits all?
A large percent of people suffering from mental health problems have admitted to having anxiety and depression. A large portion of anxiety and depression come from work or relationship related problems. With this in mind should places start to reflect these problems and come up to the 2000 century? And, come up with methods which reflect this?
Someone said, "After a recent stay at a mental health hospital, I was shocked at how behind the times the place is. Additionally, in service, place and general support they are". When we think about mental health, how far have we come? Have we moved on from straight jackets and restraighs?
Mental health is about what's going on in the mind, so people need care, some personal care, and tlc. Furthermore, to enable that to happen, do they need to feel as though they are in a home from home?
Is it time to start designing the "Human" back into mental health?
Are anxiety and depression a symptom not the cause? And can Architecture and interior design, help?
When you research the word and meaning of depression, most people are depressed about losing something. Would it be a good assumption to say they need to be distracted?
Should a design and rethink of mental health and care help to reduce anxiety? Should all patients with mental health problems be housed together? Is so, is that solving r creating problems.
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