
hostile by design

It's hostile by design The benefit system is a hostile traumatic experience. The way the system works against you is a way to keep you trapped in a cycle of poverty. Sanctions are there to demoblise you into emotional despair, causing more distress and trauma to a person's life. They are not just taking money off you, but also not paying your rent or council tax. The system is hostile by design. It has to cause more problems than it actually solves. How can you afford to pay council tax when they are already taking out everything they think they should have been paying anyway. They have motivites to stop your money and get you into debt. These are man made problems. The advances that you pay back, if you get sanctioned a few times you're in debt and liable back for these advances. The advances they pay you while you wait for your first payment. The system is not working. If your claim gets stopped a few times, you have to apply again for a new advance without ha...

superheroes poem

saving the world learnings To all superheroes in training you can say what you want. however, bare in mind, everyone will hear what your saying differently. all problems are the same, however, there not the same problem. everyone needs love. happiness is a humanright. everyday is a school day. heros get hurt. everyone wants to be somebody. be prepared to be mis-understood. every problem are connected. you matter too, so save yourself, be kind and love yourself too. if you have any guildlines that you would like to add…..

the job centre

Are the job centres fit for purposes? Are they, achieving what it is they are meant to achieve? Or are they a direct line for bullying, harassment and abuse? It would be interesting to see, how many people have found jobs? Inaddtion to that, what the retention rate is from people accessing jobs, who are on Universal Credit? How many people have become sick since accessing the jobcentre services? Furthermore, is this economically working for the tax payer? Are these services easily accessible to anyone who has an interest in you? Stalking and harressement? Is the jobcentre inspiring people into work? Or are they just interrogation sessions? Looking for reasons not to pay you. Even when you're signed off on the sick? Should the jobcentre services be coaching inspiring people? And, if that were the case would we see more inspired hopeful people ßtaying in employment increasing the retention rate. After watching the, I am Daniel Blake, and a social experiment called the big...

cleaner, respect!

Imagine if being a cleaner was not considered the worst job in the world? Imagine if being a cleaner was considered the most important job in the world? Imagine if being a cleaner opened doors. Just like, being a CEO does? Imagine if being a cleaner wasn't the worst paid job? Imagine if being a cleaner taught you how to have pride in your work. Furthermore, a sense of achievement? Imagine if being a cleaner was classed as a top profession. In addition, only the people were head hunted. Imagine if being a cleaner was something to be proud of? Imagine imagine imagine, what could be different, if we thought differently about cleaning.

is it actually, cost saving?

What does cost saving, actually mean? And, does it mean the same thing to everyone? I raise the question. Google's example; Cost savings is the benefit realized from actions that reduce an organization's overall spending on assets that directly impact its bottom line. Actions that can result in cost savings range from improving efficiency to negotiating lower prices for supply purchases. Would this be considered the type of effective cost saving. Furthermore, does it produce a wider effect on the economy? A hospital is having a cost saving excerise. They decided that changing the soap power in the laundry to an cheaper brand less effective brands. However, it maybe cheaper, but, would it be considered a cost effective, cost saving? If a patient noticed that the sheets still smelled of body odour. Subceqently, then decided to wash the sheets themselves. Would that mean, the same sheets had been washed and dryed twice? Would that also mean, the electric had been used ...

Anxiety the symptom

Should Architects have a basic understanding of mental health and some of the causes? Would that knowledge enable them to design with the cure in mind? Help to design environments which are fit for purpose? Would you agree that mental health has come along way and it's not just one size fits all? A large percent of people suffering from mental health problems have admitted to having anxiety and depression. A large portion of anxiety and depression come from work or relationship related problems. With this in mind should places start to reflect these problems and come up to the 2000 century?  And, come up with methods which reflect this? Someone said, "After a recent stay at a mental health hospital, I was shocked at how behind the times the place is. Additionally, in service, place and general support they are". When we think about mental health, how far have we come? Have we moved on from straight jackets and restraighs?  Mental health is about what's going on in the...

the service is always right!

Can hospitality teach leadership and team building skills? They say the customer is always right. Nar;  The service is always right? As a customer, would you agree, you responded to the service provided. Okay, some people are just pricks ( agreed) whereas others will tip based on their experience of your service. Example; John and Lynn have their first time at Lou's restaurant. The waiter opens the conversation with," Is this your first time?" They respond yes. The waiter knows that with the help of the kitchen, he will be able to deliver great service by being attentive, understanding key signals and making mental notes. Subsequently, as a result, I received a great tip and returned customers. Win win. What the waiter knows is that they are working for their tips because those tips help to buy essential items or other things you may want, without having to save from your wage.  Making tips, an important learning tool. Why? Because it teaches good business ski...