the service is always right!

Can hospitality teach leadership and team building skills?

They say the customer is always right.


 The service is always right?

As a customer, would you agree, you responded to the service provided. Okay, some people are just pricks ( agreed) whereas others will tip based on their experience of your service.


John and Lynn have their first time at Lou's restaurant. The waiter opens the conversation with," Is this your first time?" They respond yes. The waiter knows that with the help of the kitchen, he will be able to deliver great service by being attentive, understanding key signals and making mental notes. Subsequently, as a result, I received a great tip and returned customers. Win win.

What the waiter knows is that they are working for their tips because those tips help to buy essential items or other things you may want, without having to save from your wage. 

Making tips, an important learning tool. Why? Because it teaches good business skills on how people value service. Moreover, how real business people will pay more for good, great service. Furthermore, they will tell people about that great service ( in some cases).

Some places actually use it as a motivator, to get the staff hyped up for the day or night service. 

The kitchen staff know they have to do their bit also. Getting the food right,out on-time. And hot. 

Communication is king in these environment's. One can not work without the other. Which means, whatever grievances you had before service always have to be put to one side. Subsequently, by the end of service, all grievances have been forgotten.

See a good restaurant(s) will work in flow. Everyone knows what and where they need to be. And, what they need to be doing. Only the people just joining the team need to be shown what to do.

The flow emanates to the customer and the customer responds, with a tip!

So is it the service or, the customer?


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